Just a brief post to share my excitement. I have just received copies of my book, Needing Napoleon. They look great. See my photo below. This is the book sitting on the desk where I wrote it! Everyone has done a great job from James Essinger at The Conrad Press https://theconradpress.com along with Karla Harris for quality assurance. Rachael and Nat at https://thebooktypesetters.com came up with a great font and a wonderful cover that is really atmospheric.
Although I had initially hoped the book would be on sale by mid October it is now likely to be the end of November before it is available on Amazon, perhaps a week or two earlier elsewhere - I will keep you posted!
Remember it is the 200th anniversary of Napoleon's death in 2021 - so what better year to buy a book where he is a major character?
The sequel, Serving Shaka has passed the quality assurance stage with Karla Harris at The Conrad Press and should soon be with the typesetters and cover design team of Rachael and Nat at The Book Typesetters soon.
